We took our last bike ride for the year at Celebration today. I'll miss that. It's fun to see the beautiful birds - like this little snowy egret.
Sorry I wasn't able to get a better picture of this brilliant male cardinal - they're just so elusive!
I'm sure this will be the last one of these - my favorite flower by the water. I don't expect to see any anywhere else we go.

I know I said no more gators, but this I couldn't resist!
I think this is a male and female little blue heron. They kindly let me take lots of pictures.
Our last picnic (for this year!) on our favorite picnic table in Celebration by the lake.

Just a beautiful flower - I don't know what kind.

OK, one last gator - I probably won't see another one until we get to Hilton Head.
We parked by the water tower and biked to Celebration.
After our biking, we went to The Loop - a nice shopping area - for a couple of hours, but didn't buy much at all. Now that I don't shop for grand-daughters (they're getting too old for that!), it's not near as much fun to go shopping.
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