No post yesterday - power is a problem. My computer battery is useless - I ordered a new one, but it never came before we left. We have one of those converters that runs off the boat battery, but it is less than reliable. Tonight we are running the generator, so I'll put on some pics from yesterday and today. Yesterday, we came up the system from Peterborough to Lakefield. Stopped for awhile at lock 24, rode our bikes to Lakefield and back, then decided to bring the boat up to lock 26. Today, we just came to lock 27, Young's Point, and stopped. We're staying here tomorrow as well.
Anyone any idea what kind of bird this is? I assume it's a young one, but don't know what kind.
I noticed this squirrel in a tree, and he appeared to be sleeping, so stopped to take a picture.....
.....and did he ever chew me out!
A nice little foot bridge over a creek flowing into Little Lake.
The Peterborough Liftlock, largest liftlock in the world, and over a century old. Very impressive!
Some buildings at Trent University - sure hope they're not teaching architecture!
Trent U. really is a pretty campus - celebrating 50 years this year. Believe it or not - this tree is alive and well! Saw this beautiful dragonfly on our bike ride to Lakefield. This little fellow was grabbing a bite while Mom was grabbing a bite. Had my first Kawartha Dairy Moose Tracks ice cream yesterday in Lakefield! Yummy! There is a bike trail all the way from Peterborough to Lakefield along an old unused railway bed. You can see the river to the right, and River Road in between. A great place to ride! I was up and going for a walk in time for a beautiful sunrise this morning. Osprey at sunrise.
And a heron fishing for his breakfast.
I was just walking along minding my own business, when this little red squirrel started chattering madly at me! What is it with these squirrels???
We were lucky to see a loon today on our travels.
....and a baby loon.
Kingfishers are so hard to capture in pictures!
I think this is a green heron, and don't remember ever seeing one around here.
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