Saturday, April 30, 2016

Spring in Cobourg

Here are a few pictures of what spring brings to us in Cobourg this year.  I especially like watching for birds at the harbour.                    

 THIEF!!!  We tried everything we could think of to keep the squirrels away from the bird feeder, but nothing worked!  We finally had to give in to them.
 There are lots of cute little bunnies in the neighbourhood,but they too are a nuisance!  They like to eat the flowers and vegetables!  AND, they are very bold! 
On the warmer days, we like to go for drives in this, one of our favorite "toys".
There are lots of Canadian Geese at the harbour.  They are very pretty, but they do make quite a mess!
We've seen quite a lot of these ducks.  Sometimes they are called Old-squaw ducks, sometimes Long-tail ducks  The males, like this one, do have long tails.
This is the female of the Old-squaw ducks, and she doesn't seem to have a long tail.
Another shot of the male.
And another shot of the female.
 A very common duck to see in the Cobourg Harbour is the Mallard.  The male is especially pretty! 
The female mallard seems to be leading the choir! 
I've been seeing a Killdeer around a lot, and I believe there is probably a nest around somewhere.  Anna and Rylee, did you know that the Killdeer build their nests on the ground?
Another bird I love to hear singing is the Red-winged Black Bird.  They are very elusive, though, and it's hard to get a good picture of them. 
I believe this duck is called the Northern Shoveler, and they are not often in this area.  I think this might be the first time I have seen one. 
This evil looking fellow is called the White-winged Scoter, and this is the only one of these I have seen this year as well. 

 Sorry, girls, I know this one is short, but I'm leaving for the west soon, and will no doubt have more for next week.  Have a super week, and keep your eyes looking for the birds and bunnies in our neighbourhood!  Maybe you could make a list of all the birds and animals you see, and tell me when I get home.

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