This is a fair we go to pretty much every year when we are in the area. It's kind of like the Port Hope Fair.
Every year I have my picture taken with the bulls.
This was a pretty tiny giraffe - a baby, I think.

This little cutie is an African Nubian Goat, also raised for milk.
Landon is a Scottish Highland calf. #1 Where do you think this breed originated? The Queen of England has her own herd, and it is the only beef she will eat. #2 What is the queen's name?
Sally is a Dromedary. #3 What is a Dromedary (dictionary)? #4 How many humps do you think this camel has? It may be a Bactrian, which is much rarer than the Dromedary. Look up Bactrian in the dictionary as well. Tinkerbell is a Sicilia Miniature Donkey, which originated in Italy. Because of its short stature, it was brought to the United States to pull coal out of the mines. Now it is usually just a pet. I love that these all have a cross on their backs. I like to think that it was one like this that carried Jesus to Jerusalem the week before He died on the cross.
When I first saw this kangaroo, I thought he was dead, but then I was glad to see that he was breathing, so I guess he was just sleeping.
We watched some pig races, and this group of 5 are siblings, 6 months old, and they are wild hogs, also known as Pine rooters, which we have seen in previous years here in Florida in the swamps/woods. Their mother was found here in Florida, and we could have paid $1.00 to see her. We're too cheap! Kids were showing animals at the fair in competitions, and this young man was shearing his sheep to make it prettier for showing...... .....and this young lady was washing her sheep to make her pretty to show. We always like to look at the poultry and rabbits as well. This incredible rooster is a kind of chicken called Frizzy. Pretty well named, don't you think?
Anna, your brothers would have probably liked these. They were men dressed as transformers.
These girls a lot taller than Paul. #5 How do you think they got to be this tall?
The Silver Spurs Rodeo claims to be the biggest rodeo east of the Mississippi River! #6 Check the Atlas and see if you can find the Mississippi River.
The rodeo started with 16 kids on horses doing a square dance. It was very cool to see this!
These were also young kids with some special titles, but I'm not sure what they were.

This young lady is Miss Rodeo Canada! Wow! I'm guessing she may be from Calgary, Alberta. # 7 Why do you think that I think that?

When the flags were in the arena, the emcee introduced the rodeo, prayed for safety for the people and animals in the rodeo. This always amazes me! Then, of course, we sang the National Anthem.
This is the clown that got lots of attention, but really, he was just kind of a comedian. There were 2 other clowns who did all the work. You'll see them later.
I think they called this steer wrestling. The cowboy had to grab the steer and wrestle him to the ground with his feet in the air.
This looked really hard, but was fun to watch. It's called bareback bronc busting, or something like that.
Some future cowboys! So cute!

This time, the cowboys are trying to "break" the bronco with a saddle on. I don't think the bronco wants to be broken.
The clown was having some fun, and doing some entertaining.
Tiedown roping is when the cowboy ropes a calf, the horse backs up to keep the rope tight, and the cowboy jumps off his horse with a short rope in his teeth, turns the calf upside down, and ties 3 of his legs together. Again, the horse has to hold the calf for 6 seconds.
This little cowboy was running up and down our aisle for most of the night, and then tried this trick. He managed to fall off, and was hanging upside down by his knees.
#8 What is it called when a cowboy throws a rope like this over an animal?
16 adult riders did a square dance for us. It was very fast and exciting!
A calf "scramble" was a lot of fun for a LOT of kids! They set loose 4 calves with ribbons on their tails, and the kids tried to get the ribbons. I think if they got one of the ribbons, they got $5. You had to be under ten to participate.

I liked watching the girls doing the barrel racing as well. Those horses were really moving!
They had to ride the horses around 3 barrels, and if one tipped over, 5 seconds were added to their time.
For me, the bull riding is the most exciting! Here you can see the 2 clowns who REALLY do the work! They distract the bull if the rider is thrown off, so the bull doesn't go after the rider. It is quite a dangerous, but very important job!

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