Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Boat Trip 2014 - July 23

There's a saying that if you are in a hurry, then boating is not for you.  We were planning to head up the Trent Severn this morning fairly early, when we got the message at the marina that there was not enough water to lift boats.  We would have to wait 2 or 3 hours.  So about 11 am, we decided to go and wait at the lock til they were ready.  There, we found out that the bottom log in the dam had given out in the night, and let all the water out.  They had to repair the dam, then fill up the area between lock one and two, which of course had a ripple effect for a long way up the system.  At about 1:30, we were finally let into the chamber - with 5 other boats.  Each lock was ready for us, and it went pretty well after that.  We stopped at lock 6, which is Frankford, and which is one of the two locks on the system that has power.  We were lucky to get a spot so late in the day.  One boat that wanted to stop wasn't so lucky.

Last summer, we went both directions all the way through both the Rideau and the Trent Severn Waterways, which represents a LOT of locks!  Each time we went through a lock, we put a loonie in our loonie bank.  This summer, it is being used to treat us to meals out during our trip.  :-)
The Trent River as it flows through Frankford - pretty impressive, isn't it?..........
........until you see these guys wading all the way across.  Guess that's why "Frank" "forded" the river here!

Just below the dam - not much water going through at the moment.  It's hard to believe that high water was such a problem here earlier in the summer.

 Dawg Daze at rest.

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