Left Lower Brewers, decided to sit at the top of the 4 locks at Kingston Mills until they finally got it repaired and opened, and as we approached, the doors opened and the first lot of boats went down, including us! What a great surprise! We were through the 4 locks in a half hour!
There is a sign on the lawn announcing that this house belongs to Kierstead, the artist - just north of Kingston.
We met up with some kayakers on the way into Kingston - Paul counted them - 30 plus.
This is a tour boat out of Kingston, with Wolfe Island in the background - there are 100's of windmills on the island!
Finally got to the back side of Georgina Island, where Donald, Nancy, Dan, Amy, and the kids were stopped. They were able to make room on the dock for us. This is Adrian, age 4, having fun in a bucket in the pool. :-)
This little sweetie is Gena, age 2.
We saw 7 police boats between Gananoque and this island. There was actually a police officer from this one ON a boat from Pennsylvania which was anchored in the little bay we were in.
Adrian and Gena feeding some geese - what the fish didn't grab first!
Maria, age 6 swimming the "lazy river". This particular spot is known for the current which starts up the island a ways, and comes right around to beside our boat. Lots of people come just to swim the lazy river.
Dan, Adrian and Gena after swimming the lazy river.
Don and Nancy's dog, Izzy, loves to lie on the dock watching the fish - the water is so clear, and there are a LOT of fish. Should have brought a fishing pole!
Nancy with grandson Adrian, who is a real cuddler - I even got a good cuddle with him! Sorry that these guys have to leave today - guess we'll stay here for at least one more day before moving on to another island.
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