I believe this is a young osprey, seen during our trip this morning from Frankford to Campbellford.
These ugly cormorants, sitting in a dead tree, are horrid birds. They kill whole islands full of trees with their droppings and strip the lakes of the small fish. They are native to N. Carolina I believe, but are now here by the 1000's.
This is one of the times I wished I had a better camera. It is rare to get a picture of a kingfisher, and this was just too far away for a good one.
We saw quite a few swans today, including this family group of Mom, Pop, and 2 youngsters.
Mom and the kids.
Just approaching the double locks at Campbellford.
The Ranney Suspension Bridge from the water. I think Bella would have liked to see it this way better.
The very high double locks at Campbellford.
The reason this large replica of the toonie is in Campbellford is that a local artist, Brent Townsend is the one who submitted the image of the polar bear which was chosen for the toonie. It's in the park beside the wall where we stay with the boat when we're here.
Stapley's garage is a place we always have to check out when we are here - there are usually a few old cars around in various stages of repair. This one is on the roof of the garage......
.....and this one is in the yard. Notice the sign?
The hated loosestrife! But I still think it is beautiful.
Well tomorrow we do the last 6 locks which will take us to Rice Lake and home. Sad in a way, but joyous in that Wed. we get Jeff and Kerry for a nice long visit. Can't wait to see them!
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