Left Constance Island this morning in search of something different. Cruised slowly to allow the battery to charge. This is a nice little island with a lovely little house - 'twould suit me just fine.
And then there was this. Who could possibly need something this big? Notice the spires to the left - that's all part of the same house!
This is St. Lawrence, high on a rock cliff. A plaque near the water says who it is, and that he was a 3rd century martyr after whom the river is named.
We arrived at one of our favorite islands - the west end of Grenadier, and there was a good sized space on a big sturdy dock. We went for a walk around the island, and this tiny island and cottage are just to the west of it.
Our walk-about turned out to be a short one, since most of the island is blocked off to allow for restoration of the vegetation. This is one of the original gazebos - I think there are only 4 left. Unfortunately the informational sign is missing.
I believe this is the summer home of the family who invented the Zippo lighter. Lots of toys here! It's also part of Grenadier, which is a very long island. Parks Canada owns several parts of the island, the west end being our favorite.
This mink kept us entertained for part of the day.
He went out into the water to drag a big dead fish to shore, which he then labored to drag up over the rocks and up the hill to wherever it was that he wanted it.
I think the fish is probably bigger than he is!
The lake boats go up the main shipping channel, which is quite a few miles from where we are. It's on the south shore in American waters at this point. We could see this boat going by Alexandria Bay. It would be very near Boult Castle, though we can't see it from here.
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