Friday, July 18, 2014

Boat Trip 2014 - July 18

Left Georgina this morning, stopped at West Grenadier.  Grenadier is a very large island - 9 miles long - and there are 4 areas on it that belong to Parks Canada - West, Central, East, and North.  There are lots of homes on the island as well, and a golf course with tennis courts as well.  Today, we went all the way around the island in the dinghy.  Central has garbage pick-up, so we took our garbage and recycle there, then made a stop at East as well.  It was a VERY long dinghy ride!
This is a statue of St. Lawrence which is just east of the Ivy Lee Bridge.  There is a plaque on the rock wall, but we couldn't get close enough to read it because of a fishing boat anchored right in front.

 Not sure if this is a pet or a lawn mower!

Some osprey.

This used to be a manned lighthouse, but I doubt if it is anymore.

We saw 3 lake boats on our trip down the south side of the island.  They were probably in American waters, and we were very close.

One of the two butterflies I saw on East Grenadier.
And here's the other one.
I couldn't believe this oak tree - the trunk looks dead, but there is lots of really healthy growth on it!
This is a really bad picture, but I'm putting it in anyway.  It's Dark Island, and has a "castle" on it, which is called Singer Castle now, after the man who built it, but it used to be called Jorstadt Castle, and it's where we used to go to church on Sundays when we were down here.  There was always a tour after church, and juice and cookies on the patio.  The roof on the left by the water was a long boat house, and we put our boats inside when we went to church.  Now it's a tourist attraction, and you have to be signed in to the American side before you can go in to see it.
We were fortunate to see a pair of swans and a cygnet while on our way back up the island in the dinghy.  This daddy swan was not happy with us!
It was like he was trying to lead us away from his family.
here is Mom and baby.

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