Today has been another gorgeous warm, sunny, breezy day in Hilton Head, and we went for another long bike ride. We were a little bit delayed when we started out and discovered that my back tire was almost flat. We blew it up and it quickly went down again, so Paul had to put in another tube. This one held for a lot of miles - hope it's still up tomorrow. We rode through the Shipyard Plantation - went in through a back gate that had been conveniently left open. :-) This big fellow was sunning himself on an island in the middle of a golf course.
We rode back out to the path on the main road and crossed under the highway to a place called Shelter Cove, a beautiful resort area, and over a bridge to Disney's Hilton Head Resort, where we had our picnic lunch by Broad Creek and a marina full of some really nice boats.
This looked kind of cool - and challenging - though not as challenging as one we saw in West Van one time when there were really big waves.
There are a lot of places to rent kayaks around here - on the inland side of the island. Guess we should try it sometime.
There was a hedge beside us as we ate lunch, and there were lots of bees enjoying the just opening flowers.
Me and my friends having fun!
A pelican on a golf course, cleaning himself up.
We eventually went onto the beach a long way up toward the "heel" to bike home. The beach was littered with hundreds of jelly fish, but little else. We were lucky to see this horseshoe crab, though - the biggest I have ever seen.
A man picked it up to throw it back into the water, and you can see how big it is. It's legs were really flailing, so it was very much alive!
There were also a lot of sand dollars washing in with the tide. I turned one over to look at the bottom - it had a lot of little hairy things, but stiff.
I turned it over and set it in the water. They are brown when they are alive,unlike the ones you see in gift shops that are bleached white and oh so smooth.
The weather doesn't look quite so promising for tomorrow, so we'll just have to wait and see. Tomorrow evening we're going to see a live theater presentation of "Driving Miss Daisey" so I may not get to a blog tomorrow.
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