It was another beautiful day in Hilton Head, and although we did go for another bike ride, we were a bit lazy today, starting late, buying lunch (we NEVER do that!) at Panera Bread, and only biking a few miles. I think this is some kind of an iris - very small and delicate.
Along the way I wrestled an alligator into submission. :-)
I thought I was taking a picture of one turtle, then I decided it was 2, and if you look really closely, it turned out that there are 3!
This was a cool thing. It is like the German Friendship Globe in the park in West Van. It floats on a very thin layer of water, and turns. The park is called Compass Rose Park, so I guess it's supposed to be a compass, but it just keeps turning. I managed to stop it and make it go the other way, but it never changed back, so I don't know how that works.
This is the only gator we saw today. :-)
Biking under the highway to get to .......
.....Disney's Hilton Head Resort.
After a nap, I went to the beach for a walk. I left Paul behind, as he is still not too good with walking because of his back. Thank goodness he can still ride bikes!
What a sight! The tide was starting to come in, but the beach was absolutely littered with sand dollars. I probably walked a couple of miles down the beach, and saw literally 1,000's of them!
Top and bottom of sand dollars. I think I saved a lot of lives by turning many right side up.
They burrow into the wet sand to keep themselves alive until the water covers them.
There were quite a lot of jelly fish as well, but not nearly as many as there were 2 days ago when we were biking on the beach.
I think the sea gulls are pretty well fed, because they seem to feed on these sometimes.
Some little sparrows were having a sand bath in the dry sand.
After supper we went for ice cream and walked on the beach for awhile. The tide was in and the sand dollars all covered up - probably swimming happily by now. Someone went to a lot of trouble building this very elaborate castle - trouble is, it was below the tide line, so by now I'm sure it is gone.
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