We've given up on weather forecasts. They said possible thunder showers for all day, evening, and night, and so far it hasn't even rained. There is a park across the highway from us - Markham Park - and the everglades runs along beside it. Today we decided to ride to and in the park. But first we rode along the dyke beside the everglades. We were treated to a look at a big iguana - at least 4 feet long.
These are a part of the everglades - river of grass - which covers about 10% of Florida. It used to cover about 40 %, so we were told. The grass is called sawgrass. If you ran your hand over it in one direction it would feel as smooth as silk - if you ran your hand over it in the other direction, you would know why it's called sawgrass. This heron kept flying away from us.
There IS water under there, even if you can't see it. This snowy egret was doing some fishing.

This is a female grackle.
This shows how close we are living for 2 weeks to the everglades. The building on the left is the one we're in. There's a highway between us.
A Northern Mockingbird
I don't know what kind of bird this is.
In the park there is a flying field for model airplanes - we always like to watch them for awhile. You can see how big some of them are.

This helicopter flew slow enough for me to get some pics of it.
Helipad for helicopters.
This is a jet plane - it went too fast to get a good picture. We saw another jet as well.
We ate our lunch near these lovely flowers. We were assured that there are often alligators swimming around in the park, but we have never seen one there.
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