We did a really long bike ride today - the last one in Florida until next winter. Once the rain got over this morning, it turned out to be a really nice day! We just kept going and going - couldn't bear to go inside! We saw some "same-olds" and some new things as well. When we saw this family of ducks (15 babies!), we realized why there are so many muscovies around the area!
I love the flowering trees, especially these yellow ones.
This very friendly duck joined us for lunch - Paul was feeding him out of his hand. When I walked down by the water, he followed me, when I went back up, he followed me. Isn't he just incredibly ugly?
An American Coot - lots of them around as well.
Notice the black on the end of the ibis's long, curved beak? That's because he sticks it into the mud to find whatever it is that he eats.
The northern mockingbird is as common here as robins are at home. In fact, we never see robins here. What a pretty song they sing!
I think this is called bottle-brush. There are lots of trees full of these here.
This turtle and galinule don't mind sharing a sunny spot.
This kind of iguana seems to hang out in trees. The other ones we've seen are always by the canal.
I was so pleased to see this little green iguana. It's the kind that dropped out of a tree once on top of Paul when we were biking. I'm not sure who was more surprised - Paul or the iguana.
We saw 100's of these little guys again today - usually scooting out of our way on the paths. Some of them are minus a tail, were probably run over on the path.
It was nice to see this little downie woodpecker, but he was pretty elusive.
Another beautiful flowering tree.
This is a cormorant - they dive and swim underwater spearing fish. They don't have oil on their wings, which makes it easier to dive, but then they have to dry their wings before they can fly very well.
We were lucky to see another tri-coloured heron.
I think she's chewing him out.
We saw several of these again today - the iguanas that hang around the canals.
This was the only one who sat still long enough for a picture.
Something else that likes to hang out around the canals.
Another mode of transportation on the canal. There was also a jet-ski buzzing up and down today - I'm sure this guy didn't appreciate it.
I REALLY hate to leave south Florida tomorrow! I have so enjoyed being here. I love the royal palms, the beautiful flowering trees, the water birds etc. We plan to leave tomorrow morning early to drive to Hilton Head, SC, which is about an 8 hour drive. I am also looking forward to spending time in HH, but it's not quite the same. Lots of good bike trails, though. There likely won't be a blog tomorrow night - I'll be too tired from driving and settling in. See you Sunday!
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