Our tickets to Brookgreen Gardens were good for 7 days, so we decided to go back for another day. I said that I was not going to take many pictures today, but guess what? I did. 280. I just thought I'd put on a few flowers, animals, birds, etc, and a few of my favorite sculptures.
Don't you just hate when someone reads the newspaper over your shoulder?
I guess these were thistles, but had been cultivated, and were huge!
This fellow was right by some sculptures. There are lots of warnings to stay on the paths.
This was one of my favorites. It's called "The Joy of Motherhood".
I think this is called wisteria - it grows on a vine, and smells so sweet! Sort of like lilac.
I discovered that this little fellow is called a green anole. He kept poofing out his throat.
This bird was not in an aviary, just flying around. Someone told me he is an eastern towhee. I googled it, and sure enough, it is.
The live oaks are amazing trees - they spread out all over the place.
I think this is a kind of camellia.
This was a long driveway of live oaks leading to what used to be the plantation house. It had burned down, and now there is a large fountain.
I took this picture with the zoom from about halfway across a pond, and didn't even know there was a frog there until I saw the picture.
Black-crowned night heron.
Some sort of a water snake, swimming in the duck weed. There were several of them, apparently not venomous.
I love watching the river otters.
Apparently these guys go about 5 months without eating, and now is when they start again. I think this guy must have just had a big meal, because he is so fat. They have to lie in the sun to digest their food.
I love these gray foxes, just hanging around in the trees. I wonder if they ever fall out.
This poor fellow probably can't climb - he only has 3 legs.
These are a special breed of goats called Spanish goats, brought here by the Spaniards in the 1600's.
A little barn owl in an aviary.
There are lots of Dogwood trees in bloom right now. They look really pretty, but don't smell.
This was indoors at an educational thing, and I used a flash. I love the way his eye looks! It's a barred owl.
There was a kind of kids garden with lots of these kind of sculptures in it - you can see how big it is.
This was also in the kids garden. I loved his title - "Eat More Beef"
This is called Japanese Mock Orange, and it smelled just like orange blossoms.
Well tomorrow we leave to drive home, so this is probably my last blog until we go travelling again. It's been a lot of work, but I have enjoyed it.
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